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Welcome to DRiNKLiNK

DRiNKLiNK is a charity which aims to link people affected by someone else’s drinking. Everyone believes they have an understanding of the effects of drinking, but that is not always the case.

An estimated 7.5 million people are unaware of the damage their drinking could be causing. DRiNKLiNK aims to advance education in alcohol abuse. What can go unnoticed are the loved ones of the drinker. Their behaviour cannot only have a negative effect on them but their loved ones. DRiNKLiNK aims to support the needs of those negatively affected by someone else’s drinking.

Who We Are

We are a Scottish charity built to help those affected by someone else’s drinking.

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What We Do

We link those in need to information, support and others in the same boat.

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Why We Do It

Because we see a solution to help reduce the impact.

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Gies A Hand

With your support, we can achieve our goal quicker and ease the negative effects of alcohol misuse.

Help us achieve our aim.

We believe this support is life changing. Your help means so much.


The list of ways you can get involved and raise money for DRiNKLiNK is endless! Set yourself a challenge, big or small, and see the difference you can make to the lives of those affected by others’ alcohol misuse.

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We offer a number of corporate sponsorship opportunities that will not only support your company’s CSR strategy but increase motivation and promote team building.

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DRiNKLiNK is built solely by volunteers. Do you have a have some time or skills to add to our team?

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We are delighted with the community support shown to DRiNKLiNK so far. Two years on and the foundations are in place for us to move forward with various projects aimed at helping people affected by others’ drinking.
This site is gifted to us by sponsors to our volunteers to keep you up-to-date on the results of the hard work that is put in to get us to this point. Thank you for your continued support.

Stacey Summers, DRiNKLiNK Chairperson

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Local charity awarded volunteer accolade

Two Aberdeen alcohol charities partner o...

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